I Need You
I feel like I'm slowly dying from all this pain
I don't know how much more I can handle
I miss you soo much
Words could not describe how much I miss you
Or even how much I need you right now
I feel soo lost without you in my life
It hurts to wake up in the morning
And know that I won't see you that day
Or even many more days to come
I try hard to hide my sadness
But I can't
For my eyes are started to stay dark and puffy
From all the crying I do
Every single night
I cry for you, I cry cause I need you desperatly
I need you soo badly
Nobody understand how much I need you right now
I have needed you since the day you left
I have no one to hold me when I cry
I have no one to make me stop crying
No one to ease my everyday pain
Come home please
Even if it's just for a day, even an hour
Just please come home so we can be together
So I can find that much needed reason to stay alive
Cause without you here I feel like dying!
Just come home and hold me tight never let go
Let me know you'll always be here for me
No matter what happens
I need you NOW