I Need You
I need you
To clutch me tight and
Wipe my tears away.
Telling me
‘I know it looks bad but it’ll get better’.
I need hope
To come along and
Recuse me from
The ceaseless
Pit I recurrently fall into.
I need someone
To be there when
I have my blade.
To say
‘Don’t damage your beauty’.
But you aren’t there.
You don’t listen;
Not to me.
I’m never there for you,
You completely
Shut me out.
As if I don’t care.
Like I’m not good enough.
Too pathetic; too worthless.
Not worth
The trouble.
So no one takes
My blade from me.
And the angry lines slash
My arm
In every direction.
So there is a hopeless void
Inside of me,
That grows bigger
Every day.
As you push me further away from you.
And I cry,
Every night I cry myself
To sleep. Focusing on beaten
Broken hearts.
Because without you there is no reason to go on.