I Never Meant To Hurt You
My dear, my love
My one from above
Ill only love you
But now, we have to be through
I know I said I would never hurt you
And I don’t want to, but this I must do
You said you wouldn’t hurt me
But you were wrong, you cut me deep
Im crying a river, a flood
My arms are emptying of their blood
I don’t want to do this
I shared with you my first kiss
But now im hurt
I will no longer look to your comfort
You were my best friend
I thought it would have no end
But now, it’s come to one
Ill never let you call me Hun
You tried to give me a ring
But now, back to you will I bring the retched ring
Now, with my tears blocking my sight
My soul will take its final flight
It’ll fly to you to get my heart
Every single last broken part
Ill never forget you, my first lasting forever
And a day will I be cursed with what? Your memories
But im a Aquarius and you’re a Aries
Not a match made in heaven
The days will only last up to seven
Look, I never want or meant to hurt you
But I can’t just make do with you
You hurt me without realizing it
You messed with the bulldog and got bit
I thought I was in heaven but was in hell
At first, I thought you thought so as well
But now, the truth has caught up to us
And because of it, I had to stop before it got any worse
And thus, I told you this, but I don’t want to hurt you
All I feel now is just a deep blue
All around me, my world has come crashing down and id kill to exchange this frown.
I would have even set aside my beloved crown at one point just to make you happy, and I hate to disappoint but, I made you a promise that I must keep so, from me you wont hear another peep
You can live your life away from mine and your love, ill have to decline.