I Promise
Listen my Obimo,
A beg you note this down ooh,
Am loooking foward to see you expectant,
I want to see you carrying my small oggah in your stomach,
Am very ready for the task,
Worry less my sweet potato,
I will be by your side emphatically.
Ololufe,Yes my angel,
At the onset of your pregnancy,
I'll start my helping duties,
I will wash for you,
I will cook for you,
I will dust for you,
I will fetch for you,
I will help you shower,
I will do anything to see you rest,
Rest peacefully with my small oggah.
I will be there when cravings set in,
I will bring stones for you to chew,
When the baby feels to eat chicken,
I will avail it immediately,
Even if you wake me up at midnight,
And you feel like smelling burnt polythene,
I will tirelessly avail it,
The baby may also want me to sing,
I promise i will do it amidst my bad vocals,
Tell me anything,ask for anything for your request will command me.
I promise!
Poet Igweee