I Recall
Yellow moon
Watching over the night
Fancy shoes
Tight blue jeans…..
Arm in arm we would walk
Downtown to the disco hall.
A time to rave
Perhaps a beer or two
As we took to the floor.
The secrets of your dark eyes
Looking into mine
Back to my younger days.
Flowing rivers
Meandering down the hills…..
Hisses and trickles
A doves coo and answer.
Where it all began
For me and you.
I recall you gentle woman
With silver spangles in your eyes.
Ebony skin
Against the sunshine
The taste of one sweet time
I shared only with you.
Today I stare in the darkness
Soft breezes blow
From the lands and the hills.
I watch you sleep beside me
Little known to you
Who at this time owns my mind.
Dark eyed lady
I hear your laughter
And the disco times In my head.
While my wife and babies
Sleep here beside me
As my heart and soul travels back in time.