I Remember
I remember those moments that we spent together
With a happy and cheerful face thought it would be the same forever.
Never did I imagine nor did I care of
To think of the times when we would be far of.
Even at the times of separation there wasn’t any kind of unhappiness
For never did I experience such feelings of uneasiness.
The thin threads of intimacy were broken at the very moment
When I saw the last of you and sat there to cry and lament .
Sometimes though I did feel assured knowing time was a great healer
But then time also fails to cure the wounds which remain forever.
Inspite of this cruel reality my intuition said something different
Though I knew you would never come back but still I wished something different .
Of course this has now been a part and parcel of my life with the daily happenings going on as ever,
Rarely do you come in my thoughts except for the lonely moments when I remember……..