I Remember Fierce Storm That Blew My Life Apart
I Remember Fierce Storm That Blew My Life Apart
I remember fierce storm that blew my life away.
Images burned into a sad, finely tortured mind;
reminds me of that epic and dark fateful day,
tears falling down but no good answers could I find.
So in love with my sweetheart but soon hope gave way,
when drug induced Nirvana flew into our home.
Easy now to see it in slow motion replay,
when I groped in darkness wherever I dared roam.
Raging clouds gathered within the uncertain West
as thunder spilled over into each haunting hour.
No joy in simply knowing that I did my best,
while I saw the destruction of my wild flower!
I remember fierce storm that blew my life apart.
Its massive crushing winds destroyed my aching heart.
Robert J. Lindley, 1-11-2016
Form- Sonnet, I used 12 syllables instead of ten.
Syllables Per Line:
12 12 12 12 0 12 12 12 12 0 12 12 12 12 0 12 12
Total # Syllables: 168
Total # Lines: 17 (Including empty lines)
Words with (syllables) counted programmatically:
Total # Words: 124