I Remember the Times...
I remember the times…
I came early only to stand at a distance and watch
You waiting for me, fidgeting with your hair
Frowning because I was late.
I remember the times…
I thought about all the stories to tell
When you were around, whiling time
To see that you-good-for-nothing smile.
I remember the times…
I danced all alone, holding your hand
Practicing every step with care
Wanting it to be perfect the first time.
I remember the times…
We fought like the kids on the road
Teased each other with everything we know
Cursing and swearing as we went back home.
I remember the times…
You told me you could never love that guy
A false sense of satisfaction washing my heart
As you held my hand and did cry.
I remember the times…
He walked into your life, and asked for you
You looked into my eyes, sought my advice
And then walked out of mine.
I remember the times…
You came clean with all your lies
You lowered your eyes.
You kissed me and said the worst of all goodbyes.