I Saved You
I worry about you,
Especially when you talk that certain way.
You have that sadness in your voice,
And claim you want to throw your life away.
I'll tell you this:
Life is a raging fire,
Something that is constant and dangerous
Not a calm horizon bliss.
For all the things that are now,
Is what makes up who you are.
Not the lies and deceit from others in your past,
Not the torture of living with whomever your living with,
Not the pain that you heart has been through,
Not the sadness of thinking you're an outcast.
What is here and now,
In this moment of this day,
From the time you wake up,
Til the time you rest and lay.
Forget yesterday,
Think about now.
Know that people love you and care,
Even if THEY don't show how.
But I saved you,
I saved you from making a mistake.
I'm glad you're here and alive,
For to lose you, would be like losing a part of my life.