I Saw Your Silhouette In the Starlight
I saw your silhouette in the starlight...
on a steamy summer night.
Your beauty was magnetic...
it drew me to your enchantment.
Trustful I would not offend...
my mind raced for words to begin.
I saw the impish grin on your face..
my head was in the wrong place.
The words did not matter...
as we began our chatter.
Your scent was like a flower...
that I wanted to devour.
This led to capricious caring...
of thoughts that were so daring.
When morning glow ascended...
the dreamy desire ended...
With a final kiss we embraced...
the magic moment did forsake.
As I watched you leave...
Empty i will be.
It could never be the same…
I did not even know your name.