I See Diamonds In Your Eyes
Sixty years ago today we were happily united as husband and wife,
To begin that long anticipated, yet uncharted journey of wedded life!
Though you've been adorned with dazzling diamonds along the way,
They'll ne'er compare to the sparkle of diamonds in your eyes that day!
Diamonds gleamed in your eyes when we pledged our eternal love!
There's no doubt that our life together was ordained by heaven above!
How your eyes sparkled like diamonds when cuddling our babes at birth!
Of your love for them and least deserving me, there is no dearth!
Though our eyes have grown dim and we both wear crowns of gray,
I still see shining diamonds when I gaze into your eyes each passing day!
My beloved one, you are as beautiful now as the day we were wed.
To borrow a phrase, "Our journey has just begun! The best is yet ahead!"
Robert L. Hinshaw, CMSgt, USAF, Retired
© All Rights Reserved
Placed No. 1 in Gail Doyle's "A Diamond In Your Eyes" Contest
October 2012