I See You
Please my love, know
I see you
Even at those times
You think
I don't see
The times when
I'm too tired to talk
Sitting in front of the TV
With the meal your lovely hands prepared for me
I see you
When I look in the mirror
For I am a better man because of you
More loving
Your words have healed me
Filled me with joy
I see you
When we are with our friends
You fill our home with comfort
Amazing smells
You are the heart that beats within our walls
The very best and sweetest part of us
I see you
My beautiful
My darling wife
You are my sustenance
The very breath I breathe
The oxygen that permeates my air
I feel how much you care
I'm lost if you're not here
Even if I'm quiet
I need you near
I see you
When I look at our son
The man he has become
Your voice spoken into him
You were the best place for him to begin
So my love
Please know and understand
This is the best life for me
With you alone I long to be
A broken heart that you set free
Yes, yes, my special one, I see you!