I Shall Go
I shall go
I am writing you with remorseful heart,
for the sin that I am yet to offend;
the sin I myself mightn’t forgive myself.
The sin that ever will live in my heart;
I beseech you to make your heart a stone,
for this sin of mine is a blazing fire,
which murders a heart million million times;
my eyes are rains of numberless finger,
streams are streaming and ocean is forming,
precious heart of yours which is yet to break.
You are green, but in the heart you are frail;
you are gentle, your kindness is a glue;
I have looked to the north, south, east and west,
your peers are few, in farther way, in soup.
I have to go and your heart I must break,
my way I must find for what future holds;
I shall do good, I shall fill your cheeks with
brilliant smile; I shall go uncle, I shall go...