Love Poem: I Still Write Letters
David Smith Avatar
Written by: David Smith

I Still Write Letters

Call me a dinosaur,
Call me square,
I don't care, 
Letters to write I dare.

They are something I love to share,
Even if others stare,
I don't care,
Letters to write I dare.

Reply's they come from afar,
To bring the writer nearer.
I do care, 
Letters to write I dare.

Thoughts on paper,
Never truer,
I do care,
And I do dare,

It's Christmas time of year,
From you I would like to  hear,
In a letter, if you dare,
While your memory is still clear.

A stamp I attach here,
On an envelope with my name yet to appear,
I know for truth you care,
So a letter to write you should dare.