I Strive To Stay Near
Lord you washed the stains from thy robe
Filling me your spirit to stand bold
Thank you for the love you emit
Your love is so strong unlike the world is cold
I ask you to take me by my hand
And lead me to your promised land
Lord keep my mind free and clear
While banishing all fear
Lord I try so hard to stay near
Thank you for your love and sincere
Lord at times I look around and your hard to see
Then I put my thoughts on you
As my mind becomes free
I notice how you create everyday
While I listen to all you have to say
Lord control this battle within
For my soul I want to win
The old soul tries to overtake
But through your love and embrace
It cant enter in this race
I see your path as foot steps in snow
While you teach me to resist any foe
My eyes flow tears
But when we unite will turn to cheers
You test my faith in the day
While searching out thy heart at night
Molding me until we unite