Love Poem: I Take You As My Wedded Wife
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Written by: Lanier Thomas

I Take You As My Wedded Wife

It was a day just like any other.
I walked into the room and saw you.
My head felt foggy and I was left dazed.
I knew love and I had to pursue.

We dated and loved and grew close as one.
It was like a dream that became real.
I was scared, but you said yes, however.
No words can tell how that made me feel.

I made a vow before God and to you
And holy vows to God must be paid;
That I would wed you and you be my wife
And I will keep that which I have said.

In marriage there is much irritation.
Bliss is nothing but a fairy tale.
But, we will work it all out together
And make our marriage sound, whole, and hale.

And when the years have passed by and we’re old;
Our health fades and finally life fails;
I will still be by your side faithfully.
Our love, you see, at the end prevails.