I Think of You
I think of you
When I smile or laugh
Feel your kindness
Silence my fear and doubt
I think of you
When I notice a flower
Am reminded that your heart
Blooms like the sweetest rose
I think of you
When I catch myself dreaming
Listen to the music you play
With your tender hope and faith
I think of you
When I reach out to another
With the feelings that give me
A generosity of heart and soul
I think of you
When I long for beauty
Feel your truth
Fall across me in a tune of joy
I think of you
When silence inspires me
And I know that you are strong
In your heart, where I delight
I think of you
When my faith is weak
And I need to be encouraged
By another who is filled with peace
I think of you
When love is all I need
This is when I reach out to you
With assurance that I’ll find a kind word
I think of you
When everything is good
And I think of you
When nothing is as it should be
I think of you
The one I truly love
With thoughts of hope
For the chance to feel truly great
I think of you
When everyone else is there
And I think of you
When everyone else is gone
I think of you
And I always know
Thinking of you.. my heart is finally shown
The way to know love is more than just a word