I Trust You Fully
The world went right ahead,
I remained where i was,
They progressed, they advanced,
Only at loss- I was
Each day each year time went by
It was 6 years ago that you bid me goodbye..
I looked for your in every face,
but never found your hiding place...
Could not spend a day missing you,
Wonder how fast 6 yrs flew,
With your memories , I lived my life,
Never in reality could I be your wife..
People say you wont return,
So in this pain, will I always burn?
Where are you and why do you hide?
I was and will always be by you side...
You were not wrong my love,
Just come back to me now,
Let her do what she wants,
I dont care for her haunts and taunts...
Time wont wait , it will fly,
I want us to live, not cry an die,
I love you and trust you from my soul,
I scream that from south pole to norh pole!