I Turn To You Today
Dear Lord
I turn to you today
to take all theese emotions and feelings away
I have liked a guy for sometime
and thought in your time all things would be fine
he still is huming and haring
and is still unsure what to do
so Lord I turn it all over to you
I carnt keep going on like this one minute hes talking to me
then he is not
it's time to move on and time for this guy I forgot
I know you asked me to wait a while
but it is dragging me down and taking away my smile
I have tried to be a good friend and always have been there
but is still as if he just does not care
I carn't stay in this situation there is nothing left I can do
but Dear Lord
I turn it all over to you
I will focous on what lies ahead
and focous all my love and energys on you instead
I Love you Lord with all my heart and there is no doubt
I know this guy I can live without
you are first in my heart Lord now and ever
you love me always and will leave me never
so hear my plea as I pray
I am sory Lord but from this situation i now have to walk away Amen