I Want
Why do people rush to fall in love?
I want the person I fall in love with to be My best friend, My lover, my protecter and my peace.
I want real love not fake, I want it to last not break.
I want to be able to tell the person I love everything,
And for him to tell me everything.
I don't want lies, hate and cheating.
I don't want Secrets and heartaches.
I want love, respect, loyalty, honestly,
I want want to know I'm safe with him.
I want someone who loves me on my good days.
And someone to love me when I'm a wreck and a
Hot mess.
I want a relationship as well as a partnership.
Someone who looks at me like I'm the only woman
In the world that makes him happy.
Someone who picks up where I Lack and I pick up where he lacks.
Someone who makes me a better person and makes me want to be a better person.
And I want to make him a better person and make him want to be a better person.
I want my company to be what he wants as well as I want his company.
I want to be able to trust the man I fall in love with.
I want us to be happy together.
And when we're apart to miss on another.
I want the text message in the morning saying something sweet that makes me fall more
In love with this person.
When I say I love a person I want it to be real for
The both of us. I want the feelings to be real as well.
I want to laugh at his silly jokes. When we're together
I want it to be like we're the only two people in the world.
I want him to feel like he's the only man in the world that makes me happy.
I want life to get better with this person.
I want us to look into each other's eyes and see
The love we have for each other.
I want to be able to take a chance on him
And not regret the choice I made.
I want him to put as much effort into us
As I do.
I want that person to be my soul mate and
Last love.
I want to know the man I fall in love with
Has my back no matter what the case may be.
But most of all I want want the live to be real.
You can't find none of this
If you rush falling in love.
Loving someone is suppose to be easy,
And staying in love is what your suppose
To work at.