I Want a Love Part 2
continuance of part one!!
I want a love where my dreams are filled with your voice
and I awake
to find out that it was just you
pulling your body on top of me
admiring your face against the white of the cotton sheets
our hearts beating
my hands curious
as I run them down your shoulders
to your back
such a comfort
I want to feel my endorphins at an all time high
even laying here
I am so happy
at this moment I could die
and it wouldn't matter
my heart is exploding
ten times over
I want a love
equally as stubborn as a mule
Where our angry words sting each other
Brooding times
Pacing back and forth over who is right and who is wrong
my fears
humbling myself
where I have to admit I am wrong
I want a love where I sometimes cannot stand you
and yet I cannot stand to be without you
Scream at me, whatever,
for you I would stay through hurricaned weather
I want laughter
that rings from mountain tops
where you can make my bad mood into something brand new
side aches
from times of tickling
where i am rolling over trying to escape your fingers
begging for air
and yet at the same time still loving it
and in the end
laughing still
I want rolling down hills on midsummer's eves
with grass down our shirts
oh the leaves are everywhere
You pick dandilions from my hair
laughing quietly
this look of concentration in your eyes
I am stuck wondering what it is about before I realize
you are leaning in
for the sweetest of kisses
making me silent
in awe
of the moment
I've found this joy
all of these guidelines already exist
just took a while
to appreciate
how alive
he makes me feel
I want a love and that love lies in you