I Want To Leave
I want to leave
The next world holds more hope
As this life seems lost in circles
Both worlds filled with virgins
I want to leave
And escape the daily routines
Of strangers who say hello
Then walk away forever
I am to be crucified
On the alter of love
And rise not ever again
No one will treasure my shroud
I want to leave
For I am human
Shrouded in the coldness
Of being always alone
I want to feel the kiss of a lover
A warmth to blanket my soul
How sweet would this be?
Poetic words however are not real
I want to leave
The illusions of the heart
Reality sends a cold chill down my spine
Words are the arrows of poets
Blood soaked in verse
I return to fantasy
In the moon light night
From the beginning of time
Where dreams were considered divine
Here I rest a heavy heart
An unfinished painting
Collecting dust
Inspired by Eileen Ghali who wrote a poem with the same title.