I Want To Write a Love Poem
A poet who was famous for his love poems was approached by a young boy who shyly bowed his head…
“I want to write a love poem…can you teach me how?” He said.
The old poet smiled.
“So you have come to me because you know how love and poetry are intertwined…and I’m guessing there is a special someone for this poem you have in mind.”
A nervous smile crossed the young boy’s face at these words the poet said.
He looked up and the old poet could see his cheeks were glowing red.
The old poet smiled again.
“My best advice is don’t start out to write a love poem…you see it doesn’t work that way…start our writing about this person…and love will find a way.”
“Take pencil in hand…and think about this person…soon you’ll find it so exciting…
How the words will travel from your heart to your brain and end up in your writing.”
“And your poem may rhyme…or it may not…it does’t matter for in time you’ll see…anything written from your heart…why…that is poetry.”
“And you’ll feel such a sense of accomplishment when your poem is done…
That it won’t matter if it finds its way to a million people…or if it reaches only one.
“And once you’ve written your first love poem…once you see it completed there…
You’ll want to write another and another…because you’ll start to see love everywhere.”
“You’ll see it in your family…you friends…your pets, the Earth…your home…just remember, if you’re writing from your heart…you’ll end up with a poem.
“And finally remember you are human…sometimes you’ll end up with the perfect poem…a poem you will adore…other times you’ll realize…that’s what they make erasers for.”
“So if you want to write that love poem, take this pencil and this pad of paper too…
I have told you how to start…the rest is up to you.”