I Was In a Place That I Didn'T Belong
I Was In A Place Where I Didn’t Belong!
I was in a place where I knew I didn’t belong!
God’s spirit was there… But the flesh was strong!
I felt alluring voices almost “overwhelm me.”
There were so many temptations that surrounded me!
I could feel the pull! The tugging of my heart!
I knew this was going to happen! From the start!
As I began to feel many voices, pulling my spirit.
I wanted to run, but could not seem to do it!
In one moment of hopelessness, to Jesus I cried!
I couldn’t run from this! No matter how hard I tried!
Just when I thought that there was not a way out!
I remember what some of the Bible was about!
I knew that if I cried to Jesus, he’d be there to help me!
No matter the temptation! And how it tries to “trip” me!
Before I was going to do something, I shouldn’t do…
I heard God’s voice say; “My son, I’m here to help you!”
I felt the hand of God, reach down and touch my soul!
I knew that God was there, and it was time for me to go!
I jumped up and out of there, as fast as I could run!
Any “excitement” was gone. I was not having “fun!”
Whatever temptation I gave up, was worth avoiding!
A life with Jesus and family is what I’m enjoying!
Thank you my Lord! For your patience and kindness!
You’ve filled my life with your love and brightness!09/04/13