I Was Invited To Church To Watch a Video
I Was Invited To Church…
I was invited to church to watch a video presentation.
I was told this would improve my “relations.”
I went and watched the video that was presented.
The host did a good job and was to be “commended.”
I thought about this video and some of the other things.
I wondered, “how much value to me
does this really bring?”
If it was a video that I wanted, I could just buy one.
Why should I come to church to just try some?
I thought church was meant to be a house of prayer.
Now, it seems like on one really cares?
It seems like God’s holy word has been “substituted.”
By man’s way of thinking that’s often “instituted.”
Where is the holy awesome presence of God in all of this?
Is it his presence and power that we truly miss?
The power of Christ can do more than “man’s presentations.”
We need to look to Jesus, and not
“man’s manifestations!”
Let’s get rid of the videos and seminars
and seek God’s throne!
Let’s look to spend time with God.
And HIM alone!
Let’s get back to the power of God that is very real!
Not just go by “how good we may feel!”
God’s presence can do more in a minute of time…
More than all of the theology that’s in your mind!
Christ rewards all who diligently seek him!
It’s about time that we all humbly come to him?
Let’s seek the Lord while he may be found!
And spread the good news of Jesus
all over town!
By Jim Pemberton