I Was Talking To a Pastor the Other Day
I Was Talking To A Pastor The Other Day…
I was talking to a pastor the other day…
And was listening to what he had to say…
We were talking about church and other things.
Most important was sin and the pain it brings!
When I was younger, we would have an altar call.
But many today don’t think it’s worth it all!
This pastor talked about how our culture has changed.
Having an altar service now seems quite “strange.”
I remember when we used to cry and weep out loud.
We weren’t concerned about the crowd.
He mentioned how hard it is to preach the truth.
Many get offended and get quite rude!
I could tell this pastor shared from his heart!
He shared his passion for God right from the start!
But in spite of his many Godly intentions.
People need to want a Godly direction!
There’s an important truth we need to remember.
Following Christ is more than being a church member!
We must serve God with all of our heart and mind!
May there be a love for Jesus that HE can find!
May we serve God with all of our soul!
Allowing his love to make us complete and whole!
May we allow God’s word to bring repentance within!
And truly know what it means
By Jim Pemberton