I Went To Church Last Sunday
I Went to Church Last Sunday…
I went to church last Sunday, and heard a lesson…
I felt like I was almost in a “delicatessen.”
A “menu” was served, with a “meal” given.
And a “pep talk’” on “how good we’re livin’!
We were asked to shake a hand, “and meet a friend.”
“But don’t say anything that may offend!”
Our comfort was sought after, with “love” in mind!
We were taught to be “considerate and kind!”
We sang a few songs, and raised a few hands…
And got up and down, all through the stands!
A pastor spoke a message, he wanted to be taught.
A “feel good” message is what he sought!
How many “feel good” messages do we need?
In what direction does this church want to lead?
Is it one that doesn’t have a fear of God,
from within?
Is this a place where one
can find freedom from sin???
We need more than a Sunday lesson,
to change this nation!
We need God’s power! With Holy Ghost conviction!
We need pastors that are on fire, with a passion and zeal!
And the believe that Christ’ coming is very real!
May there be a new focus, of Christ’ death on the cross!
And much more emphasis on reaching the lost!
Going to church On Sunday, doesn’t mean a thing…
If living 100 percent for Jesus, doesn’t mean anything!
May your church on Sunday be stirred from above!
And be filled with God’s power,
his holiness and love!!!
By Jim Pemberton