Love Poem: I will commit suicide

I will commit suicide

I will commit suicide

I will commit suicide
I can’t live
Someone wants kill me
I don’t need this life
English psychology…
English psychology…
Destroyed my life

I don’t know
Am I a human? Or an animal?
Hmm. I am suffering.
A lot, a lot of times
Psychologists killing me
Workplace to workplace
I don’t accept the ideology, that…
I don’t accept English psychology…
… and that

I want to kill myself
I don’t need this feeling, emotions
I need human life, I need Human Rights
English psychology doesn’t respect my life
My life is nothing, but psychologists earning
I am going to the Death, Hell is waiting
Forgive me, I apologize
Everybody, Everybody, if I kill me
My parents, sisters, relatives, friends

I loved life. I was happy with my life
Poor Hungarian life. But life. And mine
God gave me my life to live. To live
English psychology destroyed my life
Oh, God! Oh, God! What is a psychologist? What?
Psychologists think they are omnipotent
And what is Vilmos? Where is my rights?
Where is my rights? Where is the law?
God, my only God, please help me! Help me!
My God! Be my lawyer, be my solicitor!
Satan: Vilmos, you have a solicitor in London
           Talk to him or contact a human rights organizations
Vilmos: I did it today
Satan: That’s right. So, now you must wait. Don’t kill yourself.
           Follow my instructions also. And do not publicize those
Vilmos: Okay. I do. And I don’t talk. Thank you, dear Satan
Satan: You welcome Vilmos. Dear student of Hell.
Vilmos: My life is a hell.
Satan: I know. That’s why I am following you. You are a VIP guest in my world
Vilmos: In the Hell. Thank you
Satan: Yes. You are in the Hell. Continue your monologue

Oh, God, can you see? Can you see? Can you feel the heart of Satan?
Today I wont kill myself, but the warm words of Satan stopped me
Satan stopped me. I am still alive. I want to live, but I feel death 
I feel death, I am like death, In my heart and in my mind
There is death. I feel bad, I feel bad. God help me, cure me
I need ask you something oh, Jahve! Oh, Elohim! Hear me! Hear me!
Please, forgive to Satan. Forgive him. He is my best helper and friend
God, oh God, make peace with Satan. He is also your creature. Like me

Oh, life
Oh, life
Please find
Please find my life

Find me

Find me
I want to live
I want life