I Will Hear His Thounderous Voice
He brought me to Earth as a baby without clothes,
putting humility in me as a rememberence of His will;
yes, He crowned me a prince as nobody ever was,
the splendor of His glory I would have seen above Hell!
I will hear His thounderous voice before my spirit slowly leaves me,
and how comforting that will be to ease my agony;
even before I was born, He reserved a place for me,
that blissful place Christ spoke of when the oppressed cried for liberty!
I could never regret how I lived and live, having faith In Him
and proclaiming it with zest like a thounder before a storm;
no fear grapples me thinking of the catastrophy that will unfold,
surely I had foreseen it as the prophets He choose who grew old!
I will hear His thounderous voice before my cold and pale head lays down,
and thoughts escape to Heaven to let Him know that I have reached my home;
and who will be there to welcome me at that bright gate at the beginning of dawn? He will...as many angels will play one of my symphonies inspired by undying love!