I will love you more at parting
I will love you more at parting,
When everything hangs in the balance, in agony,
When a farewell pierces the soul more intensely,
And I have closed the door of your home with sadness.
I will take my suitcase heavy with inner storms,
And a photograph faded by the whirlwind of time,
The chance of our wedding, a moment lost,
Today I leave it in the hands of other young lovers.
And I will kiss you with dignity and respect,
For destiny has intertwined my life with yours for so many years,
And even though we have conquered in this sin of love,
It still persists within me.
At parting, I will invoke you more often,
And will depart towards an unknown destination,
You were my solace in this tumultuous love,
And support in each year that has passed.
And I will leave with clean hands,
I will lock the memories in the box of time,
And even the stars fall in the middle of the night,
Forgotten in flight by the loves that are no more.