I Will Tell Your Story Again
mom you are amazing
i think of all these examples
and re-tell your story often to myself
I am still learning from you.
I used to hate you.
It must be difficult to be a mother.
the old reels from your sister's wedding
showed me a nurturer and educator
who believed in my intelligence
what I am eating
saying mm melons
when I was not old enough to remember
you showed me an honesty I didn't know was rare
your pain was but a mystery
the only thing you protected me from
your thought process an enigma
your wisdom a staple
people call you genius and I feel it in my heart
I have watched you come up from the deepest sorrows
I have searched for you for 9 years once
I know now, you will always be with me
you're the reason I write
love of words, the play with a child's joy
your humor could strike a star from the sky
when I think of what you have been through
i then see you smiling
we can't control life but you have shown me the mastery of it
you turn water into
walk on water
do things doctors claim impossible
I see your power and my breath is pinched
you taught me to let fear leave
it was going anyway
i will honor your being
i am here for you as long as we live
I will tell your story again