I Will Wait
I will wait
I will wait till the sun falls down
Till the moon goes away in a frown
Till my name’s no longer a noun
I will wait till my dress is no longer a gown
Till I no longer live in a town
But I’m six feet under the ground
I will wait for at least a whisper
Till I escape the noise in a bar
When I don’t have to read a star
Till I feel your voice not far
And my thoughts it does mar
Till I hear your call and say sir
And im sure its you father
I will wait
I will wait
For im clear you never forsake
Clear as the lake
For indeed I you did make
And thou it was a piece of cake
But your breath for me you did take
And have loved me for my own sake
So here I am wide awake
Till my thoughts you overtake
And I will wait for eternity make no mistake
This is me saying I love you (a retake)