I Wish I Could Take This Pain Away
i wish I could take this pain away
looking down
feeling so cold
cos the world
keep getting colder
each sunset
it only get hot on calamities
so I look down
cos above is so cloudy
and polluted
always my pen bleed
cos humanity is dying
is so sad
too many heavy hearts
in places
feeling cold in a cold world
I feel this soul as
I wish I could take this pain away
I wish I could take this pain away
am not perfect yet
I can see the world
all I see is not pure
either are they perfect
their are so many miseries
with dark realities
this is so sad
no more respect for humanity
no more fear for life
in places
how can children suffer
how come we still have
a lot suffering people
while the world is richer
than our quest
no wonder too many
heart are heavy
no wonder their are too
many skeleton in too
many cupboard
cos when you truly
look at the world
you will cry for humanity
as always
I wish I could take this pain away
I wish I could take this pain away
we are free but in jailed
we have no chain on our neck
yet we are not far from slavery
we are not locked up
but we can't cross the boarder
we are dying always
but still no care
no more whip on our back
yet we get flogged by
the system
is there an escape root
cos all doors are closed
down on us
no wonder my pen bleed
no wonder too many heart
are always heavy
no wonder always
I wish I could take this pain away