I Wish I Had Told Him
I wish that I had told him.
I wonder if he knew
how much his daughter loved him,
ere she bade him sad adieu.
I took his sacrifice for granted,
laid his love upon the shelf.
I thought not of what he’d done for me
but only of selfish self.
Heavenly Father, will you find him?
Will you seek him out up there?
Will you tell how much I loved him
and will forever care?
On this earth, Dear Heavenly Father,
he was second unto none,
I just can’t wait to tell him so
until my race down here is run.
I am so very sorry that
I left those words unsaid.
Now each night I thank You for him
on my knees beside my bed.
So to you, each well loved daughter,
and each proud and manly son,
don’t forget to thank your parents
for the good things they have done.
I’m sorry that I didn’t tell him
before it was too late.
It is hard to send my words from here
up through that golden gate.
If I could, I’d tell my daddy
everything he meant to me,
and that I’ve never known another man
as unselfish and kind as he.
By: Joyce Johnson 8/7/11 in honor of my daddy. won no. 6