I Wonder
I wonder if you know I’m here
If you see me beside you in class
If you see me glance at you across the isle
I wonder if you know my name
Is it Nicole? Kimberly? Maybe Terra?
Is it even worth remembering?
I wonder if you could picture what I look like
Do I have dark hair or light?
Do I have blue eyes or brown?
I wonder if you know we’ve met
Remember the little black umbrella on that stormy day
Remember the walk home and the way you kissed my hand
I wonder if you know that I love you
If you did would you love me back
If you did would you walk away
I wonder all these things as I walk towards you, back pack on my left shoulder,
little black umbrella in my right hand, your friends laugh at a joke you make from
your place against the lockers.
I wonder why your eyes light up when you see me walk against the mass of
student bodies to get to where you stand. I wonder why I’m doing this, why my
heart is pounding and why butterflies are tearing apart my insides. I wonder why
your friends look at me and walk away as I come closer, did I do something
wrong? I wonder more and more about what to do and what to say; I stand there
for a minute body frozen as you wave a hand in my face.
“Oh… umm… Here’s your umbrella” I wonder why I said that, why my voice
shakes that way.
“Umm… Thanks” I wonder why you seem surprised, I smile a small smile and
turn to walk away but you grab my hand and won’t let go.
“But I was hopping that you would be my girlfriend, Emily” You know my name,
you know who I am! No more wondering, no more longing. You brush your
fingers across my reddish blonde hair and compliment my beautiful blue eyes.
“Yes, James, that would be great” and as you walk me to my next class I cant
help but wonder, what would’ve happened with out the rain and that little black