I Wonder
For I wonder how this world
would be if people didn't judge
one another
For I wonder if we were all
blind would we embrace love
more from any nationality
For I wonder if we kept corporal
punishment in schools would
we have so many people killed
by our children today
For I wonder if parents would
teach their children to eat
healthy and the reasons why to
if fast food places would go out
of business
For I wonder if our girls were
taught that having copulation
with so many men they would
not only have a Chance of
picking up disease but having
several different spirits entering
their body's would so many of
them fornicate still
For I wonder because when
people judge one another it
leads to ..color/nationality
causes family to be torn apart
due to some individuals loving
out of their race..no corporal
punishment leads to our
children having no
structure...fast foods are given
majority of the time to
substitute for a home cook
meal...when our girls realize
that if they have a new partner
and they recall the prior
partner(s) during that moment
they should realize that those
men left their spirits within
their mind body and soul.. For
if we read our Daily Word/Bible
we would know do not judge
and be
not judge. Love one another as
He loves us. For earthly/natural
food were given not only to
feed our guts but to cure
instead of depending upon man
made/chemical induced foods.
Spear the rod spoil the child.
You should not copulate not
unless you are married. All of
these tools leaves us to protect
ourselves but many choose to
do the latter