I Would Be a Radiant Mirror
Awe- struck, I gape at your solicitous disposition !
Raffish looking epitome~ combing hair staring at my
After you complete,express to me:will listen being
Desperately anxious to enlighten your day with ease,
lmitating cute little actions of yours,I find peace;
Astonishing romantic tone you own ,
Never will fade the smile that you shown;
Talking to you any time residing in your room.
Most often to be known as your replica,pal
I seem magical glistening on the wall..
Reflecting your beauty and emotions in all;
Realistically swallow you, if stood front of me at any
Ouch...cold I freeze when your inside me like a frost;
Real relationship to be forged with mutual trust.
Note:Non Human Poetry Contest
Sponsored by Chantelle Anne Cooke
Placed as Honorable Mention in the Contest.
Note:STRAND NO 800 ,any theme,any form FINALE
Sponsored by Brian Strand