I Write
I write because i cannot say
How from you my mind can hardly sway
Think of you everyday
Of things i hope to come for us to God i pray
But still i doubt you know how i truly feel
Its not the usual signs, heart pumping or anything
Its just that assurance that no matter what
No matter where, for you might heart is still there
I just hope you come to understand that with you my life i want to share
But you just don't seem to care
So i think its best i keep a safe distance
So i remain sane and your nonchalant conversation
Does not make me feel like crying
Whats left is to carry on with my life
And have other relationships that would make me remember
That i am important, instead of pining away for you
But forever i will wait for you to realize what is true
And it simply is that, i love you
And i have even in my youth and i know i will even in my old age.