Love Poem: I Wrote a Poem Today,Its Message True Words
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Written by: Robert Lindley

I Wrote a Poem Today,Its Message True Words

I Wrote A Poem Today,Its Message True Words

I wrote a poem today,its message true words
banishing morbid grey,its echoes I heard
in foreign tongues,set my heart aghast,
curses darkly flung,deeds of my past.
I heard a song play,its rhythm so true
banished morbid grey,its dancing was you.

Dear believe these words, our love was once true.
You were my sweetheart,back when love was new.

I cried that sad day,love-loss a great blow
birthed saddest grey,bringing life low
in epic pain found I, darkest of hell
nothing left to gain,ours is a sad tale.
Heard a rumor say,you are pretty still
time to leave today,I write my last will.

Dear believe these words, our love was once true.
You were my sweetheart,back when love was new.

I wrote a poem today,its message true words
banishing morbid grey,its echoes I heard
in foreign tongues,set my heart aghast,
curses darkly flung,deeds of my past.
I heard a song play,its rhythm so true
banished morbid grey,its dancing was you.

Dear believe these words, our love was once true.
You were my sweetheart,back when love was new.

R.J. Lindley
June 24th, 1979
Rhyme, ( Love Lost, A Bridge Broken And Burnt To Ashes )
(updated with minor editing-10-16-2019)

Old Note, 6/24/1979-- Deleted... 

New Note: ""grey""- use is (4a)... (lacking cheer or brightness in mood,)

grey adjective
less common spelling of GRAY
1a: of the color gray
b: tending toward gray
blue-gray eyes
c: dull in color
2: having the hair gray : HOARY
3: clothed in gray
**** 4a: lacking cheer or brightness in mood, outlook, style, or flavor