I Wrote Just For You
I Wrote Just For You
I wrote a song for you my precious life
four years courtship and now my wife
Your love and spirit now sweetly sings
removing the former pains and deepened stings
I wrote a poem for you my sweetest love
ten years together my little coo'ing dove
Your gentleness and ardor still inspires
the flames to leap in renewed heart's fires
I wrote a letter to be delivered some day
after life ceases , my spirit can not stay
Your treasure you so joyously gave to me
I will be waiting under Heaven's great tree
Heaven's fold holds a place for your spirit
sings a very special song for you, can you hear it
Robert J. Lindley , 07-10-2014
Dedicated to my wife, my life and all she inspires
and does for me every second of every day..