Iam No One's Valentine 2-6-06
I am no one's valentine
It is something that makes me sad
It is something makes me angry
It is something makes me mad
It is something makes me sick
Why do I feel like this on this day that comes once a year?
Sitting on a bench at the mall
Seeing a guy giving his girl roses and a box of candy
Holding hands and kissy kiss on the lips
It tears me up inside, I'm no one's valentine.
Seeing the girls at work gettinf cards and gifts deliver to them
I just stand there, watching them reading the cards
I sighed and my heart is filled with anger and I'm no one's valentine.
I feel that no man on earth wants to love me for me
It seems that a man wants the perfect girl who deserves all
I know I'm not the girl yet love will fail in my life
Anger builds inside of me on the 14th, I'm no one's valentine.
Stuffed animals, cards, candy, roses, balloons, rings, ect.
Only for girls who think they are better than me and are in live
Makes my tummy turn upsidedown and my blood rushes to my head,
I'm no one's valentine which I will never have in my life.
I am through with a silly day that comes once a year to celebrate
Which is a total waste of time and in my life
No man will come in my life to love me and I'm no one's valetine.