Love Poem: Ice World

Ice World

Ice World

In the year 2024, I left the world, so many centuries were gone
My spacecraft just landed in the village of Watford, a memory
Hmm, so far the time, I can’t feel that, but my heart is burning

Burning, my heart, so hot, and strongly beating; door opening
Oh, icy wind, cold, snow. Shock. The view, oh my God! No!!
Where is the green land? The sunny blue sky with white clouds?

I exit the spaceship, and walk slowly on the hill, around death
Where is the life? Everything is ice, just ice, stone ice, no life
Oh my God! What happened here in the past centuries? What?

Ice trees, ice bushes, ice birds, ice animals, ice woods, ice valleys
I  just walk slowly and see this demonic ice world, ice tears come
My eyes are like dead lenses, there is no light, and everything is dark inside

So dark, stop beating my heart, just walk and walk towards the past
I see a bench, this was my favorite bench in Bushey; lovely place
So loved it, I remember this amazing land and village, and the pub

Just walk and walk. I got the bench. there sits a lady, with long blonde hair
She sits cross-legged, a book on her lap, skirt, and high heels, 
she looks in front of her, drifting off into the distance. I said to her, hello. 

No answer, motionless. I lean into her face. I look at the pupil. Dead
I woke up from the dream. Oh my God! I know this lady! No! No!
Her cold face hides her true nature and personality. Oh no! Emma

I can not believe it, I can’t understand it! It is a vision of my dream?
I needed to see her again. And we met again. But I needed to see her
alive. She is dead, in front of me her ice statue. I sit down; oh love.

Time off  now, I can not remember how long I sat beside my love
I woke up because a cold hand touched my hand, love comes
– I am dead, you live – she said – Go, live your life, find new life.

I needed to talk to her, but she got back to her original position. Again dead
I found snow flowers, five are in her hand. I gave a kiss, goodbye
Hmm, so sad about life. she is dead, dead my forever love, suffering life

Walk, walk down from the hill, behind me my passel love, from the past
I found my favorite pub, the door was open, I stepped in, and Eleen was there
She waited for me, in your hand is my favorite whiskey, and a whiskey glass

But here everything is still too. Frozen and motionless everything 
The people around the bar, it's like an exposure, a moment stopped life
I drank a Famouse Grouse whiskey, thank you, dear Irish lady
I will never forget your place, and the guests, all of them friends

Hmm, sad my heart, passed away my past, people gone
In the train station stand an overground, full of ice bodies
Walk back to my spaceship. Goodbye Bushey, passed life

I loved you
New planet
a photographer and poet.