In Memory of Laura Boutchee
IF I had only known the last day that I saw you would be the last day that I would get to
laugh or cry with you. I would have held your hand and hugged you and told you that I loved
you and told you how knowing you brought me more happiness then you would ever know.
Each morning I wake thinking of all the pain and torment your beautiful soul was filled with
and I feel the tears in my eyes, because even in your pain and agony you always had a
smile and a hug to share with those in need.
Your laughter and your smile will always live in my memory forever and a day.
GOD took you home to ease your troubled soul and he holds you in his arms and wipes away
the tears and makes the pain you felt so deeply disappear.
One day we will meet again and share a hug and I will tell what I never got a chance that
day because tomorrow never came.
I love you my dear friend and your memory will live on forever through your family and your
friends who love and miss you more then you will ever know.
Rose M Bauerle 2007