If I
If I, could move forward
If I, could stop looking back
If I, did not find it so awkward
If I, had the confidence I lack
If I, could enjoy being here
If I, can just enjoy the now
If I, had no worry nor fear
If I, never ever had to dwell
If I, did not care about my image
If I, did not worry over my health
If I, felt I had that right not, privilege
If I, were more content within myself
If I. had someone to call honey
If I, could once again find love
If I, had one day that was sunny
If I, just had all of the above
IF I,,,,,,,?
An old poem but thought needed up dating a little]
still the same though some of this was adapted from a poem called
content also inspired by a poem i wrote called reflection
a bit more in depth that one this just out ling what would
make me feel happy I suppose i could have everything but
still would I be happy? I don’t know i was once told
if you don’t love your self no one can love you
if your not happy on your self no one will be happy in you
I don’t know perhaps old fashion notions bull*****ideas
WRITTEN 2012 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,if I