If I Were Your Love
If I were your love,
I could be your best friend,
Defender and comfort zone.
I could always stand for you
As so crazy for your beauty and shapes ,
So impressed by your faith of Christ Jesus,
Patience , goodness, and kindness.
If I were your love,
This short poem could be
Your morning tea and night coffee:
" O darling ,
My love tablet
Hold my hands
My heart is all yours
Your heart is all mine
Our hearts are one
My happiness and
Best friend.
O darling,
The roses
Of my darning
Room table.
The adorable
Of the entire
If I were your love ,
This short song could be
Your daily breakfast , dinner
And supper :
" The world will never win and
Our love will last.
I will be with you till to the end
My darling and
Best friend."
April 22/2023
Written for poetry contest sponsored by
Mystic Rose Rose
Theme: If I were your love