Love Poem: If I Didn'T Love You
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Written by: Tammy Ol

If I Didn'T Love You

I'm having a hard time believing 
That you could just walk away from me
Without having any sort of effect on you
No turning back 
No second guesses
No big deal

We hadn't seen each other in 20 years
And you know you opened up a can of worms when you kissed me, out of the blue
Be it real and true
Or just acting on a whim
Either way, it started something neither one of us was expecting, nor could deny

A year or so later, here you are 
Turning the page, mid-story with yet another new face
And, here I am
Still juggling rattled emotions
Still finding my way out
Still trying to let go
And sadly, 
Still feeding on the meager breadcrumbs you toss my way once in a while

You used to fight for me, didn't want to completely let go
But now I'm not so sure
So, if you still care enough for me to be honest, and you have completely let go
I need to know
Because this sliver of hope I'm holding onto deep in my heart, is going to tear me to shreds
And even more so because
'If I didn't love you, I'd be good by now'

September 25, 2021
(Quote courtesy: Jason Aldean and Carrie Underwood)