If I Die
I'm going 2 be straight with all of u
I don't think that all of u treated me right
But that's ok
Because I'm up here and ure down there
I'm sorry if I ever hurt u in anyway
I didn't mean 2 hurt all of u
I had good intensions
If I luved u and I hurt u
Then I can't make up 4 that
But, I can say that I'm sorry
All u people that luved me
I thank u 4 it
It made everyday that much better
And it felt great 2 have people luv me
I want u 2 know that I luved u right back
Everybody that is reading this
Don't cry tearz of sadness
Cry tearz of joy
I'm in a better and happier place now
I hope anywayz
U all brought me happiness and great memories
Thank u and Good-Bye 4 the last time