If I Had To Do All Again
The writing had been on the wall for all of that time
but it was me that made the choice to ignore,
He kept on promising me that once we were together all would be fine
he made it seem as though that it was his love that I had been searching for.
He had promised that I would have the best of everything
nothing would ever be too much for me,
He had promised that he would help me raise our family
I would never be left alone to have to handle the big responsibility.
He had promised that he would help me with the house work
because he, too, was a firm believer in keeping things neat and tidy,
He had promised that he was making enough at his job there would be no need
for me to have to work
all I had to do was be a good wife to him and raise our family.
He promised that there were no other that could take my place
because he was a man that never believed in cheating,
He promised that during times that were hard we would make it through okay
it was with these promises that he had me believing.
I admit, I had had my own share of doubts and so did my family
but it was with these promises that he was able to redeem himself,
At that time I had actually believed that he was the right man for me
there was no way I could ever love any one else.
But I have had to endure so much drama from him since we have been together
things are not near as good as he had promised,
And I am starting to have my doubts that this love affair is going to last forever
I have been so disappointed by his numuerous empty promises.
If I had to do all again I would had taken my time
and judged him by his actions alone and not by his words,
If I had to do all again I would not had allowed him to play games with my mind
therefore, I would have been saved so much unnecessary hurt.