Love Poem: If I knew then what I know now

If I knew then what I know now

if I knew then what I know now,
I'd allow myself to feel and speak my mind
I'd speak more and stand for myself

if I knew then what I know now,
I'd make sure my voice is heard
and be more patient with myself

if I knew then what I know now,
I'd love myself a lil bit more and let People's opinions about me to slip my thoughts

if I knew then what I know now,
I'd be loyal to myself and listen more to my inner voice 

if I knew then what  I know now,
I'd be more mindful with my YES and very steady with my NO

if I knew then what I know now,
I'd be unapologetically free like a bird,
Flutter my wings and sing own song

if I knew then what I know now,
I'd be more confident and a little bit more selfish with myself.
To whom deserves My time, My energy, my heart

if I knew then what I know now,
I'd make sure each second in a day counts, to leave memories worth a thought

if I knew then what I know now,
Only if...
I knew then what I know now
I'd take more risks and never hold myself down

But now that I know,
I take the chance to correct all wrongs
Do my level best to make most with the time in hand.

Now that I know,
I have created a new me,
And I walk like am wearing a rollerblade,
Ricochet, unswayed.
I'm imperceptible, I am Untouchable!!!