If I Were Your Love
There was a void in my heart
life was empty, striving in vain
my soul was heavy laden
my hopes grew dim
my problems seem to mount
my days were bleak and drear
my world had fallen apart…
If I were your love, my life would be
filled with contentment and ease.
If I were your love, it would
deliver me from despair
it would help me find my way
over restless seas we would sail away
lost in each other’s embrace as one
under the starry nights and sunny days.
If I were your love, it would lead me
to some place happier
where there’s no sense of pain,
you will be like a
cooling breeze in a summer heat,
It would make me think
a divine destiny is at work.
~Contest: "If I were your Love"
~Sponsor: Mystic Rose Rose.